Powerful Body Rejuvenating Supplement


Phytotherapic compound very rich in silica, an essential component of the human body. According to Dr. Mary de Bunsen, if the Hunza people of High Pamirs have an extreme lifespan (120+ years) without disease, it is due to the quality of their water, very pure, and containing silica in suspension. Silica is especially necessary for the skin, the hair, the nails, the teeth, the bones, the pancreas, spleen, thymus, adrenal glands, and lungs. Silica decreases as one ages. Silica is the body’s natural “healer and surgeon”. It has antitoxic and metabolizing properties and defends the body with its antitoxic power. It facilitates calcium and phosphorus absorption and allows one to live longer. Symptoms that indicate lack of silica: Difficulty coping with abstraction and abstract concepts, inattention, despair, prolonged neurasthenia, small nodules on the head, hair loss, ulceration of the kidneys, prostatitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, hypertrophied tonsils, white spots on nails that are brittle and deformed. Therapeutic indications: They are many. Here are some of them: osteitis (bone inflammations), adenitis (inflammation of the glands or lymph nodes), suppuration, ulcers, rickets, headaches, styes, persistent neuralgia, chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, hypertension, tendonitis, fibrosis, vaccination aftereffects, etc..

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